“Marauding Mom” Assures Seating for Herself at the Christmas Tots Program With This One Weird Trick

“Marauding Mom” Assures Seating for Herself at the Christmas Tots Program With This One Weird Trick

Family Life

Reckoning, Idaho – Ellie Nelson, frustrated that when she got to last year’s schoolchildren’s choir program ten minutes late there was no seating available in the pews and hadn’t been for some hours, took matters into her own hands this year.

“No one is going to keep me from have direct line of sight on my Elgin as he warbles his way through holiday music. I don’t want to share that experience with anyone! That belongs to me.”

The spunky Millennial set to work, arriving at the church nine hours early and barricading the entrances.

She then proceeded to reserve every pew, seat in the choir loft, tucked-away alcove, gritty overlooked corner, and rickety old folding chair brought up from the basement with 576 overcoats. 312 bulletins, 17 furry hats, 28 scarves, a collection of empty pizza boxes, and countless wads of used tissues she brought for the occasion.

“Let then try to keep me out this time,” said the proud parent. “They can’t keep me down if they don’t have a seat in the first place.”

Ellie left one seat open, one only, for herself, and after unlocking the church doors scrambled to it.

She spent the remaining eight hours before the concert frowning at people as they sent inquiring looks her way, and telling them in a hushed voice, “I’m sorry, that’s reserved.” Offering advice. she counseled them that they should have thought ahead and ought to arrive earlier next year.

There’s no stopping this proud mama from giving her all for her kid, and at the end of the concert made up for the empty church and lack of thunderous applause by her own enthused response.



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