On Eerie Intent

On Eerie Intent

It’s best to have a range of acquaintances in this world. To have a nodding familiarity not only with the sunlit meadow but with the shaded rifts of the earth, the sunken places where it's always midnight. The better to shore up our defenses.

Daylit reality isn’t so tightly built as it wants you to believe. Darkness, tireless like rust or dust, and hungry, too leaks in at the seams where the stitching is weak or hasty. Frayed right where our certain verities and our assured conclusions reside. 

It doesn't come full on, this darkness, that would be obvious. It comes instead under cover of the uncanny, the peculiar, the glancing, the unnerving, the coincidental. You'll know it not by sight or sound, but by the lift of the fine hairs along the nape of your neck. 

Consider Eerie Intent an early warning system.

Coming, Fall of 2019.




Ghost Tour...The Valley of Ashes

Ghost Tour...The Valley of Ashes

